[1] Flow Over a Two-Dimensional Bell-Shaped Hill, with Nam Ho Kyong and Hyun Goo Kim, AFR-94-G02, Advanced Fluids Engineering Research Center, POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology), $20k, pp. 39~82 (1995)
[2] Experimental and Numerical Study on the Flow Over Hilly Terrain, with Hyun Goo Kim and Nam Ho Kyong, AFR-95-G02, Advanced Fluids Engineering Research Center, POSTECH, $41k, pp. 125-160 (1996)
[3] An Experimental Study on the Drag Reduction of Turbulent Boundary Layer using MEMS Technologies, with S. J. Lee and S. S. Lee, Advanced Fluids Engineering Research Center, POSTECH, $31k, (2000)
[4] Investigation on Dustproof Characteristics of Wind Fence for Kwang-Yang Open Storage Yard, with S. J. Lee and C. W. Park, POSCO (POhang Steel Company), $73k, pp. 1-126 (2000)
[5] Development of Natural Ventilation in the HHI Sungak Factory Building, with S. J. Lee and H. B. Kim, HHI(Hyundai Heavy Industry), $25k, pp. 1-91 (2000)
[6] Analysis and Improvement of Flow Structure inside the Pohang STS Steel-making Factory, with S. J. Lee and M.S.Koh, POSCO, $133k, pp. 1-88 (2001)
[7] Evaluation on the Wind Environmental Impact around Ansan-Singil district, with S. J. Lee, MOE (Ministry of Environment), $29k (2003)
[8] Modelling Wind Flow over Bluff Bodies, with Ian P. Castro, EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council), £248k (2004)
[9] Turbulent flows over rough walls, with Ian P. Castro, EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council), £356k (2006)
[10] Study on flow characteristics around a bluff body in turbulent boundary layer, PKNU(PuKyong Nat’l Univ) Funding, $20k (2007). - PI
[11] Development on the 2-dimensional ultrasonic anemometry, RIC (Regional Innovation Center for New-Renewable Energy, Materials & Components), $20k (2007). - PI
[12] Evaluation on the friction velocity around the Wol-Jeong site using cup and ultrasonic anemometry, $24k, KIER (Korean Institute of Energy Research) (2008). - PI
[13] Prediction and measurement techniques by the radiated noise simulation, $48M, NGVTEK (Next Generation Vehicle Technology) Research Grant (2008). - PI
[14] Industrial complex development on the component and part of wind turbine, $48M, KICOX Research Grant (2009). - PI
[15] Study on the Reduction of Acoustic Noise inside the Intake and Exhaust Pipe in an Engine, $60M, MEST Research Grant (2009). - PI
[16] Evaluation study on the Wind Energy of Mr. SeongHak in Busan, $96M, KHNP Research Grant (2009). - PI
[17] Study on Outer Shape Measurement for Mass Centering of Crankshaft, $61M, NGVTEK (Next Generation Vehicle Technology) Research Grant (2009-2010). - PI
[18] Blade Design and Development of 1MW Wind Turbine, $168M, MKE Research Grant(2009). - PI
[19] Standardization and Certification system for Wind turbine components in Noksan complex. $48M, KICOX Research Grant (2010). - PI
[20] Study on the Evaluation and Development of the Structural Design Criteria for Preventing the Natural Wind Disaster. $131M, MEST Research Grant (2009-2011) - PI
[21] Optimization Study on the Evaluation and Development of the Ventilation Design Criteria for Constructing the Future Zero-Energy Town. $24M, KRF Research Grant (2009-2011) - PI
[22] Development of Green Condensing Gas Boilers with High Efficiency, $180G KETEP Research Grant(2010-2013). - PI
[23] Study on the Water Screen Nozzle for Preventing Radiated Heat, $86.3k SMBA Research Grant(2011-2012). - PI
[24] Enhancement of the Analysis on the Cooling Performance of the Commercial Vehicle, $73k, NGVTEK (Next Generation Vehicle Technology) Research Grant (2011-2012). - PI
[25] Advanced Techniques Development & Human Resources Education for 1kW Vertical-axis Small Wind Turbine. $600k, KRF Research Grant(2011-2014). - PI
[26] Advanced Techniques Development & Human Resources Education for Wind Turbine(AT-Wind). $2.7T, KETEP Research Grant(2011-2016). - PI
[27] Get-Future Laboratory for Core Technology of Future Floating Offshore Wind Power. $8.7M, KETEP Research Grant(2011-2021). - Co-PI
[28] Development of the Substructure/Platform for the Deep water Floating Wind Turbines. $8.1M, KETEP Research Grant(2011-2020). - Co-PI
[29] Study of the offshore environment scaling characteristics and movement of an offshore floating wind turbine. $100k, KETEP Research Grant(2011-2016). - PI